Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I made another one....Madelene's Elephant!

I did it again. I made another mosaic for another dear friend's kid.  Dang you people like to party hardy! Want one for your own bunchkin or one of your propagating friends? Ask me. I might, rabbit. I might.

Monday, September 16, 2013

My Size 5s, illustrator, Kristina Krati

As you know I've been writing my children's stories for a while now, but it's only since I found my illustrator Kristina Krati that I can finally move forward. I searched on Freelancer.com for a while to find someone, but always gave up. Then I found Kristina. 

Her rich, layered style has been achieved by very few of the most successful children's book illustrators. I've seen this style a few times, but very few. Once I approached her about my book, and she submitted the concepts to me, I realized that I could finally pursue the books. She completely understands my goals visually and within just a few drawings she's taken the book to a whole other level. Her seasoned technique and skills run deep and are unmatched. I now feel assured that with Kristina's experience and vision I have all the tools to make this book and my Happy The Dog series' a success.