Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I made another one....Madelene's Elephant!

I did it again. I made another mosaic for another dear friend's kid.  Dang you people like to party hardy! Want one for your own bunchkin or one of your propagating friends? Ask me. I might, rabbit. I might.

Monday, September 16, 2013

My Size 5s, illustrator, Kristina Krati

As you know I've been writing my children's stories for a while now, but it's only since I found my illustrator Kristina Krati that I can finally move forward. I searched on Freelancer.com for a while to find someone, but always gave up. Then I found Kristina. 

Her rich, layered style has been achieved by very few of the most successful children's book illustrators. I've seen this style a few times, but very few. Once I approached her about my book, and she submitted the concepts to me, I realized that I could finally pursue the books. She completely understands my goals visually and within just a few drawings she's taken the book to a whole other level. Her seasoned technique and skills run deep and are unmatched. I now feel assured that with Kristina's experience and vision I have all the tools to make this book and my Happy The Dog series' a success.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Bats at the Library by Brian Lies, Houghton Mifflin Books (2008)

As you can imagine this book called my name. A somewhat haunting and mysterious cover that's set in THE LIBRARY? I could not leave it behind. 

Lies depicts exactly what I imagine all libraries to look like. Huge, stone mansions with giant windows warmed by glowing lights inside. Towering dark wood staircases and bookshelves that scale the walls. The library is old and beautiful and a little scary, too. Perfect for bats!

 And, do these bats love the library? They wait anxiously every year for the one night they can sneak in through an open window. The older bats get lost in their favorite books. Others study and learn while the young ones live for their story time and making shadows on the walls.

This refreshingly sophisticated book steadily and swiftly inspires wonder and imagination using immaculate rhyming. It is absolutely perfect. No hiccups, no missteps. This is how a rhyming book is written.

Lies, the master of this rhyme, also draws the book. Take a look at the cover above. I've never noticed bats wings/hands before. Spectacular!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dinosaurumpus! by Tony Mitton, illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees (2009)

Or, as I like to say, "the rumpus among us."

I picked this book up for one reason and one reason only...Guy Parker-Rees. He's the illustrating genius behind the beloved "Giraffes Can't Dance" by Giles Andraea. Yes, we know all kids love dinosaurs, but here they'll get the happiest dinosaurs you'll find. 

The story is about a dinosaur rave and the whole story builds and builds like a brilliant pop song. It's really well done, but frankly, for me, it's all about the illustrations. They take this story to exactly where you hope it will go! Dinosaurs from everywhere gather together for a big giant raving bash.

The T-Rexs', the Stegosauraus' and Hadrosaurs' spin (that spinning T. Rex just is stuck in my head) and dance altogether. Plus, the gorgeous purples, magentas, oranges and pinks make it's feel like it's longest most spectacular sunset. They party till dawn crashing hard into a giant pile of leathery, dusty thick-skinned love. You can tell they had a ball!

It is all love, my friends. And you will feel it, too! Believe me, this time it won't be the kid asking, it'll be you wanting to read it!